Direct mail advertising | Zipinmail

Deliver your marketing messages & coupons to opt-in consumers by zip code via Text (MMS), Email & Virtual Mailbox.

Your messages will be delivered to authenticated individuals at verified mailing addresses

Direct mail marketing | Zipinmai

Designed to increase visibility, brand recognition and new customer acquisition. Streamline your text & email campaigns. Measure your results in real time.

Up to 98% Visibility for Text (MMS) delivered with an image of your logo, product or service.

Digital coupons | Zipinmail

Blast your messages to everyone in a zip code or target them using hyper local demographic data built within the platform or upload your own customer data.

Low-cost impressions with our simple all-inclusive
subscription plans.

Deliver your marketing messages & coupons to opt-in consumers by zip code via Text (MMS), Email & Virtual Mailbox.
Your messages will be delivered to authenticated individuals at verified mailing addresses

Designed to increase visibility, brand recognition and new customer acquisition. Streamline your text & email campaigns. Measure your results in real time.

Up to 98% Visibility for Text (MMS) delivered with an image of your logo, product or service.

Blast your messages to everyone in a zip code or target them using hyper local demographic data built within the platform or upload your own customer data.

Low-cost impressions with our simple all-inclusive subscription plans

Self Driven Coupon Publishing Platform

No Mail. No Email. No Spam.
Simply upload coupons to your customer’s virtual mailbox without inundating their inbox.
Your customers can access coupons in their cell phone.

Digital coupons | Zipinmail
Create & publish your own coupons by zip code in real time
Digital coupons | Zipinmail

Your customers can redeem coupons from their cell phone

Digital coupons | Zipinmail

Your customers can save a picture of any coupon

Digital coupons | Zipinmail

Measure coupon redemptions in real time

Save Time & Money

All In One Simple Pricing Plan

Text (MMS with image and links to your website & landing page) 4,000 / mo ($0.14 per MMS above plan limit)
Emails ($50 per add’l 5,000 emails above plan limit) 10,000 / mo
Customizable Zipinmail Templates Yes
Email & Text Notifications Yes

Coupon Management

Create & Publish your own coupons.

Number of mailboxes for employees 3 – Mailboxes Additional $8/mo
Cloud Storage 30 GB
Price Per Month (Billed Annually) $425
(Save 15%)
Price Per Month (Billed Semi-Annually) $450
(Save 10%)
Price Per Month (Billed Quarterly) $475
(Save 5%)
Price Per Month (Billed Monthly)



Sign Up


Text (MMS with image and links to your website & landing page) 12,000 / mo ($0.12 per MMS above plan limit)
Emails ($50 per add’l 5,000 emails above plan limit) 25,000 / mo
Customizable Zipinmail Templates Yes
Email & Text Notifications Yes

Coupon Management

Create & Publish your own coupons.

Number of mailboxes for employees 7 – Mailboxes Additional $6/mo
Cloud Storage 100 GB
Price Per Month (Billed Annually) $1,050
(Save 12.5%)
Price Per Month (Billed Semi-Annually) $1,100
(Save 8.3%)
Price Per Month (Billed Quarterly) $1,150
(Save 4.2%)
Price Per Month (Billed Monthly)



Sign Up


Text (MMS with image and links to your website & landing page) 25,000 / mo ($0.10 per MMS above plan limit)
Emails ($50 per add’l 5,000 emails above plan limit) 50,000 / mo
Customizable Zipinmail Templates Yes
Email & Text Notifications Yes

Coupon Management

Create & Publish your own coupons.

Number of mailboxes for employees 15 – Mailboxes Additional $5/mo
Cloud Storage 1 TB
Price Per Month (Billed Annually) $2,100
(Save 12.5%)
Price Per Month (Billed Semi-Annually) $2,200
(Save 8.3%)
Price Per Month (Billed Quarterly) $2,300
(Save 4.2%)
Price Per Month (Billed Monthly)



Sign Up


Contact Us for Custom Enterprise Plan

All in one digital marketing solution to reach your audience via Text (MMS), Email and our proprietary Virtual Mailbox

Direct mail marketing | Zipinmail
Direct mail marketing | Zipinmail

Zipinmail is the future of mailbox

Why businesses love Zipinmail

Digital mailbox for business | Zipinmail

Beth Fox

Real Estate Broker

“This is so cool! I can find my prospects in my neighborhood and send messages & coupons via text, email and virtual mailbox within a few minutes for the cost of buying an email list. Wow!”

Digital mailbox for business | Zipinmail

Cathy Angelo

Owner Of Beauty Salon

“I can pay money to people to read my Zipinmail and keep track of it – really? Sounds cool! Yeah, I’ll try it to see if it works!”

Digital mailbox for business | Zipinmail

Francisco Bell

Restaurant Owner

“I send flyers to homes in my neighborhood once a month and I don’t even get one tenth of 1% back! Thank god for Zipinmail. I can now reach those homes for a fraction of the cost of flyers.”

Digital mailbox for business | Zipinmail

Jorge Robertson


“ Zipinmail is the simplest, logical and practical technology I have seen in my lifetime.”

“This is so cool! I can find my prospects in my neighborhood and send messages & coupons via text, email and virtual mailbox within a few minutes for the cost of buying an email list. Wow!”


Beth Fox

Real Estate Broker

““I can pay money to people to read my Zipinmail and keep track of it – really? Sounds cool! Yeah, I’ll try it to see if it works!””


Cathy Angelo

Owner of Beauty Salon

“I send flyers to homes in my neighborhood once a month and I don’t even get one tenth of one percent back! Thank god for Zipinmail. I can now reach those homes for a fraction of the cost of flyers.”


Francisco Bell

Restaurant owner

“ Zipinmail is the simplest, logical and practical technology I have seen in my lifetime.”


Jorge Robertson
